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Take the best care of your car with MSGA specially designed workshop accessories
The products available on the website will have either of the below fitment cases as mentioned:
Suzuki Genuine Accessories brings this car care accessory - highly active foam
cleaner for many surfaces such as glass, paintwork, rubber and plastic. Removes
dirt, oil, grease, and other residue.
Features & Details
All-Purpose Cleaner Foam is highly active foam cleaner for all surfaces, such as upholstery, floor mats, glass, paintwork, rubber, and plastics.
Active foam formulation for deep cleaning.
Stable foam also allows to work overhead or on vertical surfaces.
All soiling such as oil, grease, insects, silicone, dirt, dust, etc. is removed without leaving streaks, smears or residue.
Leaves a pleasant fragrance.
Available in 382 g Aerosol Can
Product application
1 Shake can well before use and hold upright during spraying.
2 Spray on surface to be cleaned and let it stay.
3 Depending on the surface, Use a brush or cloth, if needed.
4 Use a clean, soft, absorbent microfibre to wipe surface dry.
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