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Press release

20 Jul 2021

Maruti Suzuki Podar Learn School in Sitapur, Gujarat, commences academic session

New Delhi: Maruti Suzuki India Limited today announced the start of first academic year of Maruti Suzuki Podar Learn School at Sitapur in Gujarat. The school has been completely funded by Maruti Suzuki Foundation with a capital investment of Rs 29 crores.

When Suzuki Motor Corporation, the parent company of Maruti Suzuki, decided to set up Suzuki Motor Gujarat plant in Becharaji, Hansalpur, they also understood and planned for the needs of the local community, especially in the areas of education and health.

Accordingly, in October 2018, an MoU was signed between Maruti Suzuki Foundation and Podar Education Network (PEN) Limited to build ‘Maruti Suzuki Podar Learn School’, a senior secondary school in Sitapur. In April 2019, the construction for the school commenced and it is now ready and open for the primary section. Currently, the school has enrolled over 100 students and started online classes for the primary section. This will be followed by the secondary section in a phased manner.

Besides academic knowledge, the school curriculum is also designed to help students imbibe good ethics, develop moral character and aim at an overall personality development. The school will be affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).

On the commencement of first academic year, Mr. Kenichi Ayukawa, MD and CEO, Maruti Suzuki India, said, “It is our Company’s philosophy to pursue Community Development in and around our manufacturing facilities. The commencement of the first academic session at Maruti Suzuki Podar Learn School in Sitapur is a fulfillment of that vision. We are glad to partner with Podar Education Network, which is a pioneer in providing quality education. The school is equipped to impart an all-round education including co-curricular activities and personality development to make students ready for the modern world.”

Elaborating on the initiative, Mr. Harsh Podar, Director, PEN, said: “Podar Education Network is honoured to be partnering with Maruti Suzuki for this school project. It has always been our endeavour through the Podar Learn School model to set up a network of good quality CBSE/ICSE schools across rural and semi-urban India. Our highly experienced academic team will closely support the school and ensure that Quality of education will be of the highest standards.”

About Podar Learn School:

Every Podar Learn School across the country has the same syllabus, schedules, activities, award winning lesson plans, exams and uniforms as of the Podar International Schools in metro cities. To ensure this consistency without slippages in quality, Podar Education Network provides teacher training, mentoring of Principals and a dedicated troubleshooting system that addresses each school's challenges with speed and efficiency. The school promises to impart all-round education comprising training in English language and technology, various sports and arts, and other co-curricular activities, in alignment with the goal of nurturing students to make them global citizens abreast with the contemporary world.

Click here for more Images: Maruti Suzuki Podar Learn School

Issued by:
Corporate Communication,
Maruti Suzuki India Limited,
1, Nelson Mandela Road, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
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