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Press release

03 Mar 2020

Maruti Suzuki launches new Diploma in Mechanical Engineering Specialization in Tool and Die Design

Course in collaboration with Haryana State Board of Technical Education
The course is aligned with Government’s vision of Skill India to make youth employable

Chandigarh: To strengthen its commitment to make youth employable through skill development, Maruti Suzuki Training Academy today launched a new three year course - Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Tool and Die Design at its Centre of Excellence at Government Polytechnic, Manesar.

The course will be conducted in collaboration with Haryana State Board of Technical Education (HSBTE) and is approved by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE). A memorandum of understanding (MoU) was signed between Maruti Suzuki India Limited and Haryana Government.

Speaking at the launch of new course, Mr Kenichi Ayukawa, Managing Director and CEO, Maruti Suzuki India Limited said, “Maruti Suzuki believes in preparing a talent pool for automobile manufacturing. The diploma course in Tool and Die Design is another such initiative. The course will enhance employability prospects of local youth. It will also help us create a talent pool for specific areas like Tool and Die shops so that such technical functions are performed smoothly.”

This specialized course is spread over three years comprising six semesters. Total 26 subjects with minor and major projects will be imparted based on HSBTE guidelines. The fee for the course is ₹ 4,500 for each student for a year (two semesters). MSIL will make a one-time capital investment of ₹ 80 lakhs towards procurement, installation and commissioning of machinery required for the course. After completion of this course, students will be equipped with specialized skill set like die design, die fitting and maintenance related skills.

Course Details:

Maruti Suzuki established and inaugurated ‘Centre of Excellence’ at Government Polytechnic Manesar on December 27th 2018. The Company is running customized part-time Diploma in Mechanical Engineering in collaboration with HSBTE for MSIL associates.

Issued by:
Corporate Communications,
Maruti Suzuki India Limited,
1, Nelson Mandela Road,
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi,
Ph: 91-11-4678 1000     Twitter: @Maruti_Corp

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