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Press release

01 Apr 2020

Maruti Suzuki sales in March 2020 and 2019-20


New Delhi: Maruti Suzuki India Limited sold 83,792 units in March 2020. This includes 76,976 units in the domestic market, 2,104 units of domestic OEM sales and 4,712 units of exports.

With this, the Company ended FY 2019-20 with total sales of 1,563,297 units.

The sales during March 2020 are not comparable with sales in March 2019 due to the suspension of operations with effect from March 22nd 2020, in line with national policy.

Maruti Suzuki remains committed to the safety and well-being of its employees, business partners and customers. The Company will continue to support Government at the Centre and State levels and follow all advisories in combating COVID-19.

The sales figures for March 2020 and financial year 2019-20 are given below:

1. Effective April 2019, Sales to other OEM have commenced and are reported as ‘Sales to other OEM’. Total Domestic Sales (Domestic + OEM) and Total Sales (Domestic + Exports) may be viewed in this context.

2. XL6 launched in August 2019 and S-Presso launched in September 2019.

Issued by:
Corporate Communications,
Maruti Suzuki India Limited,
1, Nelson Mandela Road,
Vasant Kunj, New Delhi
Twitter: @Maruti_Corp

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