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Types of Cricket Fans

There are various religions in India but the one most followed is Cricket. All of us live and breathe cricket. We celebrate our excitement on winning and dismay on our loss. While the excitement is on peak with the on-going ICC World Cup, we thought we’ll introduce you to the kind of fans that you’ll find around you.

The ABS Fan:

Just like the ABS technology in the Vitara Brezza that keeps you safe, this kind of a fan always wants the team to play safe. They’re the ones who have a lucky jersey, a lucky pose or a lucky mantra that they chant while watching the match. They have a safe option for everything. All they want to do is to bring the cup home.

The AGS Fan

This type of fan is like automatic gear shift. They are seamless in their prediction. They’ve mastered the art of strategizing the match. They are the ‘know it alls’. They know how the captain of the team would plan his next move and which bowler would get the mantle of the last over.

The Dual Toned Fan:

Have you seen someone plan a costume for a game? These fans consider the playing field to be a couture fashion show where they will have all kinds of trendy head gears, wigs, props and costumes. Just like the Vitara Brezza, these people are stylish and love to grab eyeballs like the dual tone floating roof design of Brezza.

The Smartplay Fan:

Drums, trumpets, whistles or mambos they carry them all. They cheer for their team, in the most unique way possible. They want to be the loudest. They are the Smartplay infotainment systems on the field.

The Wickedly Smooth fan

His knowledge of the last night’s match is based on his online searching skills. He has read about the match, understood the post-match analysis. Maybe he has seen the highlights, but he has definitely not seen the entire match. Yet, he steals the show in every discussion.

Surprised much? Check out the new Sports Limited Edition of Vitara Brezza, we guarantee you that you’ll become a fan of it!

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